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Formation Coaching

     Formation Coaching is a solution-based approach to growth that is future-focused rather than problem-oriented. While it does look to one's past, it does so to gain perspective and understanding. Such reflection is important in seeing clearly obstacles that may have prevented one from achieving goals that may have roadblocked personal goals from occurring. 

     This distinctive relational process provides a safe emotional environment for men to move towards wholeness and integration; understanding first, the path that has brought them to their current point on life’s map. Discovering what unique experiences that have shaped them, formed and deformed them; and processing those events in light of an affirmative presence in order to become whole. And then, gaining a perspective that helps inform future hopes, goals, and aspirations; and mapping a path to achieve those goals, personal, relational and professional.

"Although there are many who may be positive influences throughout your life, there are few who are true influencers, instrumental in major shifts in your personal and spiritual development. Anthony was one such for me, who as a key mentor provided wisdom, care and guidance which helped me to find contentment and confidence in who God made me."

Jeremy Reivitt

Human Resources

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