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     SOUL FRIEND is a model of transformation geared towards equipping and resourcing men to reach their full potential in all areas of life from a distinctly spiritual and soulful perspective. The term "soul friend" is an ancient practice stemming from Celtic spirituality known as anam cara; translated, "soul friend"


     This unique approach to growth and change is rooted within the conduit of the relationship itself: one-on-one; and within the setting of an ongoing kindred small group. Encouragement and support are in short supply these days in a dog-eat-dog world. It is these very attributes however, that are the nuts and bolts of what makes healing and transformation possible.


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The Celtic Knot above is one depiction of Soul Friend;  a heart interlaced into the symbol of the Trinity.

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"Anthony has been a mentor, coach and friend for over 25 years. I highly recommend Anthony and his work at Soul Friend. He has a special vocation to help others find a sacred space to peel back the guarded layers and uncover deeper purpose. Anthony will journey with you to help you better understand yourself and God’s love for you; he has a gift that will bring healing and transformation to help you grow in compassion for yourself and others."

Jared Landreth

Starbucks, Seattle Headquarters

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